Moa Dahl
May 23, 2023


Photo by Hristo Fidanov

The sun will fall
one beam at a time

It was dawn when the world was born
But time inches on, a tireless trot
We’re having our afternoon coffee
when the grass catches fire

The air is spiked with smoke
and (now imperceptibly)
evaporated dew

As we flee the scene, you ask me
if we should do something

Sing us a lullaby
but make it quick
quicker than the time it takes
to fall asleep

Sing us how the universe
went into labor screaming
into a big black void
and how later it said
it was all worth it



Moa Dahl

I write poems that deal with existential questions and mental illness, among other things. I'd love to get some feedback, so don't hesitate to leave a comment!